Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pouch Slings

Why use a POUCH sling?

Slings and carriers in general are a lifesaver to own. For the amount of times they will be used versus the cost of them (particularly a Divine Baby sling as I am able to sell my slings at a much cheaper cost than any of my competitors) its an easy choice to make. There are multitude of baby items to own but a sling is Number 1 on my list.

I remember that night when I was sooooo frustrated with my baby crying- I was at my wits end- I didn’t know what to do. I was starving and deathly tired but couldn’t put him down to help myself, and a $30 sling made it all better. I would have paid $30 just for my baby to quieten down then and there that one time but instead I got something much much better- a sling! And my husband and I used it many times after that fateful night.

When I hear someone I know has had a baby my first question is “what size clothes is the mum wearing?” and a sling is on its way. It’s the best gift a mum could get. Peace, quiet happiness and their baby snuggled close to them.

Now as I said earlier, a SLING or carrier in general is a lifesaver to own- but there are different types of slings and a few of the things Ive listed below are specifically related to a sling and not a front carrier such as a mei tei or a baby bjorn etc as the baby is not able to lie in the natural foetal position.

Now onto the good stuff:

I know of 28 reasons why you should use a sling in......

1. Your baby is safely attached to you
Most obviously and importantly, your baby is safely attached to you allowing both of your hand to bee free for you to achieve normal activities such as cooking and cleaning. It also allows you to easily do fun things like dancing and exercising.

2. Your baby will cry less and be less bored
Your baby when carried in the Divine Baby Sling will cry less and be less bored. Your baby won’t feel abandoned being alone in his cot, bassinette or bouncer and will have a very interesting, moving and constantly changing environment to get his attention and keep him occupied. Slings are really great for babies who are gigs but they are also great for babies who love to sleep as your movements rock them to sleep.

3. Your baby will learn more
Your baby while carried in a sling will learn more- he is being shown more things as he sees and experiences what you experience. And as he is not crying, he will spend that time learning. Your baby is also not wasting precious energy crying and can use that energy to grow and develop.

4. Your baby will be calm
Your baby is also still subjected to some of the attributes of the womb your rhythmic and calming heartbeat that they listened to for nine months inside you, and he can also feel all of your movements as he did in your womb. This makes them feel calm and safe in the outside world, which is shocking to them, and that they have yet to adapt to.

5. Your baby may be less clingy
Your baby may be less clingy as he gets older. A baby bought up in a sling needs to be carried less when he gets older than other babies who are raised in mechanical devices. This is because they are more secure, confident and self reliant. He will give you cues that he wants to be set down to crawl off and explore and play - rather than him hanging off your leg, whining to be picked up because he feels insecure and scared.

6. Can counteract sibling rivalry
Carrying your child in the Divine Baby Sling can also counteract sibling rivalry! Older brothers and sisters are more accepting and less jealous of your new arrival when he is carried in a sling. This is because you are not "tied down" to the new baby, and you have your hands free, so you can give attention to your other children as well.

7. Good for your babies digestive system- Great for reflux
Using the Divine Baby Sling makes it easier on your baby's digestive system! Wrapping your baby and putting him in a cot or bassinette works but it lacks something very important- letting your baby know that it is in the hands of the person who cares for it both physically and emotionally. A baby, who cannot feel or see or hear you has more stress hormones circulating through his central nervous system. This causes him to cry. Stress can irritate his immature digestive system and can cause him to vomit and can increase nappy rashes. Being touched and carried has a positive effect on the digestive system. Carrying your baby in the Divine Baby sling helps with reflux too, as you can hold them upright and comfort them in and upright position which prevents the milk from spewing back up. This also helps to keep them calm them as there is not as much pain from regurgitated stomach contents. It can also help them deal with the stress of knowing what is to come after a feed of milk. The Divine Baby pouch sling is very easy to clean also and takes about an hour to dry, ready for the next feed.

8. Gentle on your back
The Divine Baby sling is gentle on your back. With a conventional baby carrier (front & back type carriers) the weight is carried on your shoulders and puts a strain your neck, shoulders, and lower back. With a sling, a child can easily be carried until three years old on the hip. The weight is evenly distributed across the shoulder, back and hip. (This is the reason I made this sling, because I learnt the hard way, and now have a conventional carrier sitting in my cupboard gathering dust!!!!)

9. Great for weight loss
Using a sling is great for weight loss as your body works harder carrying the weight of the baby, it also helps strengthen your abs as it relies more on your centre of gravity which is your abs.

10. Can help with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carrying your baby in the Divine Baby sling can also help with Carpal Tunnel syndrome caused by your baby constantly resting on your forearm when feeding because you can now feed them using the sling.

11. Can help with Post Natal Depression
Wearing your baby in the Divine Baby sling can also reduce postnatal depression as holding your baby close releases happy chemicals in your brain, and can also reduce accidental child abuse stemming from you being stressed out and making a bad decision so while you may not be a happy mummy, at least the baby will be happy and satisfied being close to you.

12. Good for people with balance problems
When carrying you baby in your arms without a sling, you sacrifice the help from the ‘tiny arm movements’ which help keep you upright and balanced. If you have excellent balance, you'll never notice the difference. But, if you have ever had any vestibular damage or inner ear damage, or if you were just born clumsy, carrying a baby around can be a challenge to your up-righteousness. Imagine you take a fall without your baby in a sling, you may lose grip of your baby or not be able to stop yourself from falling on top of him....if you take a fall with your baby in a sling, you at least have the arms free to stop yourself from falling on top of him and he is contained in his sling which means you cant lose grip of him.

13. Your baby sits on the natural foetal position
The baby, while in the sling sits in the exact same position that it would if you were holding him with one arm, your baby relaxes in a natural foetal position. Carrying your baby in a sling does not place the infant's spine in a weight bearing position before he is ready as do front carriers. (The young baby should be horizontal or inclined, with the spine supported along its length.) Carrying your baby in a sling allows the correct support of his head and spine.

14. Quick and easy to use
It is very quick and easy to use the Divine Baby sling. There are no buckles, straps, messy padding, rings of frames, just soft breathable fabric. To wear the sling, all you have to do is: Just fold it, put it over your head and one shoulder, put your babies legs in while holding him with your left arm, transfer his weight to your right arm and put the rest of his body in. Adjust him til he and you are comfortable and off you go. This takes about 15 seconds for a seasoned wearer. The first thing you want to be able to do when your baby is upset is get them comfy and quiet.

15. Very light transportation system
It is lighter to transport around than anything else. The Divine Baby sling folds down to the size of a disposable nappy!!! Easy enough to pop in the nappy bag to carry around all the time for ‘just in case’ (I have used it many times when I haven’t expected to!) or even put in your pocket or handbag for when your arm gets sore from holding your baby.

16. Very small transportation system
These slings are small enough you can carry two of them around, one to fit you, and one to fit your partner if you like to share the care, or if you are Uber fashionable, different colours to match your outfits!

17. Extremely affordable
The Divine Baby sling is extremely affordable. Considering the normal price of a pram is $200 for a cheaper version, and other baby carriers are $100, these slings are extremely affordable (and safer)!

18. Slings can go anywhere you go
Divine Baby slings also go anywhere. You don’t have to worry about the door frames being wide enough to fit through, or the crowds and being able to manevour, paths being paved, gutters to get up.

19. Can continue your normal activities
You can continue to do your normal activities with the Divine Baby sling, such as go bushwalking and hiking, you can even use it wading in the pool as well for added peace of mind and to stop you from dropping a slippery baby.

20. Not as bulky or as hard to put on
The Divine Baby sling is faster & less bulky than traditional front carriers. With traditional carriers, you have to undo numerous straps and untangle them, work out which way it goes on, put it on, find the ends of the straps and find out which end they go into and manage to do it all up, make sure it is adjusted correctly, figure out how to safely get you baby in and then do up all the straps that hold him in. It’s an ordeal just typing it out! With my sling, you just have to fold it in half, slip it over your head and slide your baby in.

21. Your baby will be happier
The Divine Baby sling creates happier babies which makes for happier and satisfied parents!!! I can NOT for the life of me understand why I don’t see more slings in real life and why it took even me, so long to come across them. Maybe it’s because they have a stigma of being ‘hippy’ to them? I don’t know but all I do know is I am extremely happy that I found them! (and Im no hippy)

22. You can discretely breastfeed
Using the Divine Baby sling, you can discretely breastfeed, even while on the go. With the sling on and the baby in the newborn position, just pop out your boob near the babies head, roll the baby to face you, pull the fabric of the sling back so the boob is exposed to bubs face, get the baby attached and thats it! You can also then pull the fabric on the front over so your breast is hidden. And you still have two free hands. This can also be used once the bub is bigger too. Sit the child in hip position and then, while still in the sling, lay them over so their bum and upper half is in the sling but their legs are hanging out the side.

23. Can be worn either side
Divine Baby sling can be worn on either side, left or right.

24. Machine washable
It is totally machine washable and quick drying.

25. Have a hand free to pat to soothe
You can easily pat your child to sooth him and still have one hand free to do things.

26. You can easily bend down without worrying
You can bend down without worrying about him falling out, its like a hammock on a ship!

27. You can remove the whole thing with baby inside if asleep
You can take the whole sling off with the baby inside without disturbing him to much.

28. No elastic used
There is no elastic used in the construction of the sling so hot weather and age will not destroy it.

So that’s it really! What other reason could you possibly need to buy a sling today?

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